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Whether you know me already or are just checking out my services (and attitude) you need to know I’m a local girl with an aesthetic eye toward natural beauty. My favorite thing to do is enhance features my patients already have, maybe just make them look more rested, or shave a few years off. I’m decidedly against pillow face!

Often my peeps come to see me for a little wrinkle relaxation to start, then they return and they have one or two curious questions like: “what would you do for this?” (while pointing at their cheeks, or jowls, or nasolabial folds, or marionette lines, or simply pulling back their entire face). I’m happy to help guide decision making, but I’ll never over sell something I don’t think jives with your look, your anatomy, or your goals. I don’t know about every product or device out there, but I do hear stories and am happy to give you my thoughts on even things I don’t offer myself. When I add something to my line up it’s after careful research, but sometimes I bring on a service too that I end up feeling isn’t all it was cracked up to be, and I’ll admit that too!

All that being said—one of my go to recommendations (and a solid “hell yes!” product) continues to be poly-L-lactic acid which is sold under the brand name Sculptra in the United States. Sculptra has been around for 20 years and comes from a very interesting beginning (you should ask me about it). Why do I like this treatment? #1 It’s a filler that’s not a filler, it triggers your OWN collagen growth. #2 It provides what I call global enhancement—where a syringe of filler is good for a specific target area (like lips). That means your whole face looks fresher, younger…but not overdone. #3 Even when injected deep, it helps give the skin a lovely glow. #4 It’s one of the few treatments that can help give your peripheral face a little pull (think temple area, and the crepey skin you start noticing in front of the ears, or even smile lines in your lower cheeks). Much of aging is from chronic UV exposure and from collagen loss which starts at about age 30, and doesn’t come back without a gentle nudge. Sculptra is a great nudge!

Poly-L-Lactic-Acid comes as a powder which is then reconstituted with sterile water and usually a little lidocaine by the provider. It is then injected based on what is seen during our assessment. There are on label indications, and different ways (off label) of getting there, but for me commonly areas treated includes the temple, the cheeks, near the nose, the hollow by the chin and near the corner of the jaw. After injections you’re numb for about 15-30 minutes. You’ll feel a little puffy due to the water, but that is resorbed over the next several days. One of the most important parts of after care for you includes massaging—5 minutes, 5 times a day, for the first 5 days. Why? Massage encourages the little particles to float uniformly in the tissue until the water is all resorbed, and reduces the risk of developing a nodule (which is just collagen, and no big deal). When the water is absorbed you might initially think “what was that for? I don’t see anything!”—but that’s precisely when the magic is happening. Your body then sees the teensy-weensy particulate, it goes to work to extract it while replacing it with your own collagen! That improves the “fluff” in your skin, and once you’re corrected appropriately, you will notice improvement for up to two years.

On average I recommend 2 vials x 2 sessions spaced 2 months apart (give or take). Another vial or two might be suggested but I usually wait for about 4-6 months before I make that decision because your collagen growth takes time to be seen and appreciated. So, for the money you invest in Sculptra as a solid foundation to revitalizing your face, you’ll have a reduced need for hyaluronic acid fillers (translation, eventual savings) that can still be used to add contour, or fluff the lippies, or what have you.

Like most injectables it is not advised to be used in pregnancy, lactation or if you have a tendency to keloid or hypertrophic scarring. Also, not a first choice for those with a flair or compromised immune systems— (funny strange though, it was developed to bolster confidence and quality of life for patients suffering significant immunocompromise in the 1990’s). It takes special training to inject this product well –so be sure you know who you’re going to when you take the leap!

Most common side effects are swelling, tenderness, redness which last for a few days. Bruising, bleeding, itching and bumps can also occur. It is not used around the eye or in the lips due to the constant motion of those muscle groups.

I’m on my own Sculptra journey—I practice what I preach. I had my first session in October, and my second in December of 2022. I’m now in chill mode waiting to see if there is more in my future but I can tell you I’m not pillow face, and my jowls don’t distract me the way they used to. I’m happy with what I see so far, and I do it for me not for anyone else. That makes it a total win in my book.

So, if you ask me a curious question and I think it’s the right answer and appropriate for your precious face, don’t be surprised if I hand you a Sculptra brochure and ask you to do a little research (full product details can be found on I want you to stay you for as long as possible!


Just to keep you in the know, we took a look at some of our policies and have upgraded them for efficiency and service. Part of running a business is to constantly take a look at what works, and what doesn’t. We want to do right by each of you and provide exceptional care when you are in our chair! So, take note, all are in effect as of 1/1/23.

Neurotoxin Appointments: The current trend is to charge for toxin treatment "by the area", rather than the unit. I'm not super keen on that concept, though it's a solid business move and I understand why it's hot. We will be sticking with per-unit pricing at RediscoverdU, but minimum number of units per session will be 25 (Botox equivalent units), up from 20. A baby nudge to keep the doors open. So far, there has not been any announcements from manufacturers regarding planned increase in cost like we saw last year...let's keep our fingers crossed!

Time is precious, so let's mutually respect one another's! A valid credit card is required to be on file to hold time for your visit. Think of it as a pinky swear, you'll be there. It doesn't get charged unless changes are made less than 48 hours from a scheduled appointment. Late change or no show will be charged and/or invoiced at $100 per 30 min booked. Bummer for sure, but an empty chair means someone else couldn't come, and drives up overhead. The full policy can be found on our website, and Is part of your booking confirmation as well. No exceptions. If the cc on file fails to run, I’ll send an invoice via QuickBooks that you can pay online—once done, you’ll be free to rebook. Please let me know If you have any questions.

While a standard tox treatment has a 25 unit minimum, dose adjustment appointments do not. We sure try to get It right the first time, but if you need an adjustment tweak It can be done between 2 and 4 weeks from your original session and will be charged per-unit (no freebies). If you go beyond 4 weeks from your original treatment, you'll be asked to wait until your next full session so that we limit unnecessary exposure to medication and don't leave you with weird wear-off patterns that are impossible to predict. No one wants self-induced tox-resistance!

Yes! We offer virtual consultations! If you're not sure what options are best for you after you've taken a look at our website and read our very crafty blog posts, you can totally book a consultation for customized planning! The fee for consult Is $75 for 30 minutes: that gets you the best of my medical specialty brain, and you can ask me anything you'd like! I'm not here to upsell, I simply want to learn about you, your lifestyle, your goals, and what services match your individual style. If I think you're better suited for a service we don't offer at RediscoverdU, I'll tell you that too!

Our HIPAA compliant patient portal keeps all your information safe, and allows you to schedule and reschedule your appointments 24/7 (since we aren’t open every minute of every day, and we have a 48-hour change policy, it’s beneficial to you to adjust on your own to avoid late fees). However, it’s just computer software, and sometimes the algorithm isn't very friendly to sneaking things in. Please do what you can online, as we prefer to tend to YOU when you're in the chair Instead of fussing with the phone... but if you get stuck you can always text the business line and we'll do what we can to find you a spot or reset a password or see if we can tuck you into a hand-crafted spot! 360-994-0565


Want to know more about body contouring?

Wonder if you are a good candidate?

Okay, sure. I was SUPER excited to learn more about this treatment. I mean really—who of us doesn’t have that stubborn area of pooch that we don’t like. And at least for me, as I get older, new collections of the fluffy stuff have arrived and I am NOT happy about it! So, if you are not satisfied with the strength of your core muscles (abdomen); the shape of your buttocks; the tone of your arms or calves…you just might want to learn more!

The EMSCULPT-NEO is a series of non-invasive treatments where a paddle is strapped to the area of interest and non-invasively (it doesn’t poke you) provides lipolysis (breakdown of fat) and enhances muscle tone. It has been approved by the FDA for improvement of abdominal tone, strengthening of the abdominal muscles, development of firmer abdomen; for strengthening, toning and firming of buttocks, inner thighs, saddle bags, calves and arms. This improvement of muscle tone and firmness, for strengthening muscles are also known as “on label” indications…. though other areas may be considered appropriate for treatment.

The most commonly recommended number of treatments for a single area is four—so you guessed it, they’re sold as a package! Each session is typically about 20-30 minutes, with individual sessions separated by 5 to 10 days. Completing a full treatment series is necessary to maximize treatment efficacy and get you where you want to be. You may add on additional treatments, depending on your goals and what you start with. If you clear the questions below, we should meet in person for a consultation where I can answer specific questions (consultation is bookable online). There I can discuss your personal treatment goals and expectations.

Before the treatment, you are not required to do anything special, however, keeping your body well hydrated is strongly recommended. On the day of the treatment, you are asked to wear comfortable clothing, allowing flexibility for correct positioning during the treatment. You will be asked to remove all metallic accessories and electronic devices.

There are certain medical conditions that are no-go’s for this procedure. It is very important to discuss this with your provider honestly—we both want you to be happy you’re your results! Take a minute to see if any of these things apply to you, and if so, let us know!

Absolutely nots:

▪ Metal or electronic implants

▪ Cardiac pacemakers, implanted defibrillators, implanted neurostimulators

▪ Drug pumps

▪ Pulmonary insufficiency

▪ Current cancer or malignant tumor

▪ Blood infection or respiratory cavity infection (empyema)

▪ Any chronic or recent sudden inflammatory response

▪ Whole body or local infection such as osteomyelitis or tuberculosis

▪ Currently pregnant?

▪ Surgical procedures w/in 6 months? (muscle contraction may disrupt healing)

If the above describes you, it's probably not your best option.....

We should talk more if you have the following:

▪ Contagious skin disease

▪ Fever/high body temperature

▪ Are you in your post-partum period (w/in 6 weeks post delivery or cesarean in the past 6 mo)?

▪ Are you currently breast-feeding?

▪ Grave’s disease

▪ Hemorrhagic conditions

▪ Heart disorders

▪ Epilepsy

▪ Do you have any areas of the skin which lack normal sensation

Also worth knowing: successful treatment outcome can be affected by smoking or excessive alcohol consumption and eating disorders or on-going medication. While no special diet is required, you are encouraged to eat healthy to help promote and maintain results.

The treatment does not require anesthesia. During the application, you will feel intense muscle contractions and heating sensation in the treated area. The procedure doesn’t require any recovery time. Typically, you can get back to your daily routine right after the treatment.

Pregnancy is contraindicated, and pregnant women cannot undergo the treatment.

As is the case with every heat-based therapy, in rare cases, an occurrence of localized overheating of tissue cannot be excluded. The applicators must be in full contact with the bare skin. I am aware that no therapy can't be performed through clothing.

Part of the treatment includes before and after treatment photographs, measurements and weighing, as this will help for medical evaluation of the results of the treatment. Information will be acquired for medical records and with additional permission might be used for marketing purposes (but you get to say no too!).

The results may vary from person to person and that an exact result cannot be predicted. Completing a full treatment series is necessary to maximize treatment efficacy. It is very unlikely, but it is possible that you will not feel any recognizable result after the procedure. I acknowledge the results may not meet my expectations. Results are not guaranteed.

Gotcha excited, haven’t we! Available on beautiful Bainbridge Island!

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Text : 360-994-0565

Located:  Bainbridge Island, Poulsbo, Brownsville (private invite)

Botox, Dysport, dermal filler, microneedling, SkinPen,  Neurotoxin, Botulinumtoxin A,  best spa in Kitsap, MedSpa, Bainbridge Island, Bainbridge Botox, Poulsbo Botox, Skin Care, concierge, expert, injectables trainer, master injector, Allergan, Galderma, LaseMD, skin resurfacing, laser, injectables, skin revision, wrinkles, look beautiful, stay gorgeous,  aquagold, kybella, sculptra, Latisse, chemical peels, beauty, natural, enhancement, bainbridge aesthetics, Poulsbo aesthetics, Medical spa Bainbridge, medical spa Poulsbo, top spa Bainbridge, best spa in Bainbridge, medical aesthetics, worry lines, crows feet


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