So I just wanted to share a story, a blast from my pre-COVID-past, when participated in a FANTABULOUS educational session and had a very masculine male ask, “Do guys do Botox”? BUT OF COURSE! THANKS FOR ASKING!
Neurotoxin (Boxtox, Dysport, Xeomin, Jeuveau) works terrific for both men and women to temporarily relax wrinkles caused by years of smiling, laughing, frowning and worrying. Men’s muscles are generally stronger (yes men, you love being called virile and strong!) the number of units recommended for dosing is typically higher for men than for a ladies face, but the mechanism of action is the same. That is the only reason my pic for dosing is specifically labeled “common dosing for the female face”.
Do men really do Botox? HECK YES! Fact of the matter is, we live in a youth-based society. With social media and rampant photo sharing opportunities, people have become more aware of how they appear to others. And younger appearing folk are often regarded as happier, more talented, more charismatic and more confident. Men are now largely conscious of what it takes to care well for the skin (remember, skin is the largest organ you’ve got (ahem), and it protects you from many environmental insults – as far as I’m concerned, this makes it a top contender for a little extra effort!). No longer is it unmanly to pamper your integument!
How does it work? Well, neurotoxin is injected strategically into muscles of the face with an uber-tiny needle (you’ll feel a tiny prick, light pressure, and a sting for a second or two…then its gone!) It works by inhibiting a signal between nerve cells that trigger a muscle to contract, whereby relaxing the skin and softening the look of the wrinkle. The results generally last 3-4 months, less in some and longer in others. The old school of thought was to wait for wrinkles, then start treating—nowadays many elect to start treatments younger (late 20’s early 30’s) to reduce the deeper creasing in the dermal layers and delay wrinkle formation to a later stage of life.
Toxin can be charged by the unit or by the treatment area—depends on who you see. The number of units needed is dependent on the area of interest as well as how tight your muscles are, making it hard to generalize on price. Any reputable provider will offer a consultation and give you a range specifically for you (expect 200-500$....more if you want total “correction”). Injectors may be nurses, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, or physicians; the key is that they do it frequently, and that you trust them.
After an injection, you should start seeing results in 2-7 days, with full effect in 2 weeks. The impact should be subtle and natural, though some prefer no movement at all—to each his own! Of course you could be one of those people who talk down those who elect non-invasive aesthetic care; or you can embrace the fact that we have options. If you’re already exercising to look fit and attractive—you're already on the train! I mean really, there is nothing wrong with self-care and confidence!
Bottom line—sure real men do Botox! Give me a call and we can make a plan for you!